
Future job

Hello everyone, in today’s post I’m going to talk to you about my future job and what I would like to do. Right now I’m in my third semester of architecture and so far I really like this career and I’m happy with my decision. I considered this career when I was in eight grade I believe, and since then I wanted to study architecture. I’m not quite sure of what area of this career I would like to do, but there are some subjects that have interested me a lot related to urban planning and sustainability. I believe that as architects, it’s very important that we care that the constructions that we are planning are sustainable. A non-sustainable building contributes to the loss of natural resources, such as water, and if we do not consider certain aspects of the building, these can lead to a high release of CO2, which would be contributing to global warming, which is a big problem for the whole world. Once I finish my career, I would like to work on an office where we could design houses o

Music that i enjoy

Hello everyone, today i’m gonna talk to you about the music that i like. Music is something that’s been with me since I was very little, I used to listen to music from the 80’s with my dad, so part of my music taste it’s influenced by this. On the other hand, I play the guitar since i was in 8 th grade, and it’s a hobby that relax me. I don’t listen to a specific genre, lately I like to listen to different playlist and discover new music, but if I had to choose my favorite genre, I would say that is indie music and alternative music. My favorites bands are Artic Monkeys, Car seat headrest, Radiohead, E.C.S.D.L.Q.H.P, El mató a un policia motorizado, etc. But The one that I like the most is The 1975. On march of 2019 I won tickets to Lollapalooza, and that year they were on the list of bands that were going to come. So on April 1 st I got to see them live, and that was one of the best moments in my life. Ps: Last week I discover a website where they can create you a playlist b

Sunday 25th October

Hello everyone, today im going to talk to you about how i lived the day of the plebiscite in Chile. That day we woke up very early so we could vote and go, but somehow we ended up leaving our house very late. I had to vote in Providencia, i dont know why, because i dont live and i've never lived there. When i got there, there was a long line, but fortunately it was moving fast. After i voted, we were all going to go to my grandma's house. We had lunch there, and in the afternoon, we had to go, because something really bad happened in my family. We were really worried about what happened, so we couldn't be celebrating the triumph of the apruebo. So for me that day was bittersweet.

Place i'd like to travel to

Hello everyone, to start with my blog i will talk to you about a place i would like to travel to. There are so many places that i'd like to go, but before going to another country, i would like to travel around Chile.  I'm a person that prefers the winter over the summer, so i really love the south,i think is perfect for me. My favorite place (from the ones tha i have visited) is Frutillar, i really love the vibes from this place, it is really peaceful and the landscapes are really beautiful. Now, if i had the chance to go to another country, i would really like to go to norway, because the landscapes from there are really mindblowing, one place that i would like to visit is Geiranger, it is a little town that's between giants mountains, ans it's at the end of the geirangerfjord (i put a picture of this place down below). In norway you can also see the northern lights, one of the most beautiful natural phenomenoms in the world.